Hernandez V. Wolf et al

The case
ImmDef sued ICE demanding the release of Enrique Hernandez, a medically vulnerable father trapped at an ICE Adelanto Prison.
We demanded that ICE release Enrique to his partner and child so he can take proper precautions against COVID-19 with his family.
On April 1, 2020, our request was granted and Enrique was reunited with his family. Jails across the country are releasing people like Enrique for the sake of public health, and the 5th Amendment demands ICE do the same here.
The growing consensus of public health experts is that COVID-19 will ravage the nation’s jails and immigration detention facilities unless extraordinary measures are taken. Many detained people are at particular peril because they suffer from multiple aliments that elevate their risk of contracting a severe COVID-19 infection.
On March 26, 2020 the federal Bureau of Prisons announced their plan to release their medically vulnerable populations. Meanwhile ICE has begun to DEPRIORITIZE requests for release on medical grounds during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis.
Case documents
April 10, 2020: Judge extends TRO through April 29.
April 1, 2020: TRO is granted. Enrique is released and reunited with his family.
March 26, 2020: IMMDEF files Temporary Restraining Order requiring ICE release Enrique