Capacity Building Initiative
In 2022 ImmDef created the Capacity Building Initiative to increase our internal and external capacity to build the universal representation movement nationwide. This program also strengthens our ability to represent clients in removal proceedings, as well as assist and train partner organizations in Southern California who need technical support to build their own universal representation. As one of the largest organizations in the country to implement a universal representation model since 2015, ImmDef serves as a leader in the field and is well-positioned to mobilize its own staff and share its expertise with partners.

Building Capacity for Universal Representation
The Capacity Building Initiative houses several programs that aim to increase capacity to represent clients under ImmDef’s universal representation model, such as RepresentLA, ImmDef’s groundbreaking Spanish Language for Lawyers Program, the Jurisdictional Capacity Building Program, legal internship and fellowship programs, professional development initiatives, legal training and resources, and interpretation services.
Represent LA
Launched in 2022-2023, this program is funded by a public-private partnership between the County of Los Angeles, City of Los Angeles, and Philanthropy. ImmDef manages the detained and non-detained removal defense program branches for 8 organizations in the region. Through this effort, ImmDef is helping to expand a merits-blind universal representation approach to represent low-income residents of Los Angeles County facing deportation.

Spanish Language for Lawyers Program
ImmDef’s trailblazing Spanish Language for Lawyers Program bridges the gap between the growing need for Spanish-speaking lawyers and unrepresented clients. Through the program we attract licensed attorneys with limited Spanish proficiency and help them improve their Spanish language skills through professional Spanish classes and tutoring. Beyond language, we teach practitioners how to lawyer effectively and compassionately in Spanish through culturally competent principles. Over 10 weeks, attorneys participate in intensive language classes while receiving on-the-job immigration removal defense training and CLE’s. Thanks to this program, more than 300 children in Southern California, who otherwise would not have had representation, have been represented by a culturally competent and linguistically supportive attorney.
Jurisdictional Capacity Building (JCBO)
In 2023 ImmDef became the Southern Region Jurisdictional Capacity Building Organization (JCBO) for the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Removal Defense Network. ImmDef provides technical assistance to removal defense legal service providers throughout the state, with an emphasis on providers in Los Angeles, San Diego, Orange County, and the Inland Empire. ImmDef is helping to increase removal defense capacity in these regions by providing technical assistance on everything from effective case management to substantive case support in 1:1 meetings, monthly office hours, and quarterly meetings.

ImmDef advances the immigration lawyer ecosystem by welcoming seasonal interns and fellows to gain experience with deportation defense at all four office locations. We partner with local and national law schools through career fairs, general recruitment, externships, substantive panels, and summer law clerks. Through our fellowship program, we welcome IJC fellows, EJW and similar post-grad fellowships, as well as school-specific fellowships (i.e. Georgetown Fellows).
Internal Training
Our Capacity Building team provides resources and options for staff to increase their skills, knowledge, and competency through professional development opportunities. Staff have access to a variety of tools, such as MCLE for internal/external trainings; Virtual and physical training center to keep up to date with relevant materials, such as practice advisories, samples, practice manuals, etc.; Law Library IRAC Unpublished BIA decisions index Various Professional Memberships