Contact Us
To inquire about services or speak to staff, please call our main phone line: 213-634-0999
To reach our rapid response legal resource line to help a loved one or community member who has been detained by Immigration Enforcement, call (213) 833-8283. Calls will be responded to Monday-Friday from 9am to 4pm. Information on legal resources will be provided upon contact. Please note that this phone line is not for legal advice and that this call does not guarantee legal representation. Si su ser querido o un miembro de su comunidad ha sido detenido por Inmigración, llame a la línea legal de respuesta rápida de ImmDef al (213) 833-8283. Las llamadas telefónicas se atenderán de lunes a viernes de 9am a 4pm. La información sobre recursos legales se proporcionará al contactar. Tenga en cuenta que esta línea telefónica no es para asesoramiento legal y que esta llamada no garantiza representación legal.
Our Offices: ​
Solo atendemos clientes con cita. By appointment only.
Los Angeles Headquarters
634 S Spring St, Los Angeles, CA 90014
San Diego
By appointment only
Santa Ana
By appointment only
By appointment only
Want to refer a case? Click on the button below to send a case to ImmDef's legal team.
To send us a general email inquiry, please mail us at info@immdef.org.
For media requests please email our Communications team at: media@immdef.org.