Client Wellness is Community Wellness
Case Management Team
ImmDef’s Case Management Team provides non-legal holistic support to enable our clients to live with dignity while their immigration case is ongoing. Our client wellness initiative connects our clients with life-saving mental health services, emergency housing, transportation, Medi-Cal, school enrollment, food, clothing, life skills, and individualized post-release plans.

Going Beyond the Courtroom

Our Case Management Team provides support that extends beyond the courtroom. In 2020 and 2021, our legal teams completed 1,733 internal referrals of clients to our Case Managers. Thanks to this team, our clients feel supported as they integrate into their new community in the United States.

Our Client Services

Life Skills
Information about opening a bank account
Information about filling taxes in the United States
Assistance applying for an ITIN
Resume building
Interview prep questions

School enrollment K-12 information
Adult school enrollment
College/ University information
Vocational school information
Back-to-School clothing
Backpacks and school supplies

Mental Health
Mental health education
Mental health provider referrals
Safety plans
Mental health resources and support lines

Tenant rights
Psych evaluations
RFE medical exams
California identification card requests
Paying bond
CA DOJ and FBI fingerprinting locations

Doctors appointments
Mental health referrals including therapy and psychiatry
Medi-Cal information
Referrals for Medi-Cal application support
Referrals to free-clinics or sliding care clinics

Emergency travel for asylum seekers entering from the Southern Border
Travel arrangements for detained youth and adults upon release
Local and national travel assistance